Denise Covers “In Your Arms”

When the pain and burdens of living in this world become too much, I lift my eyes, arms, and heart to Jesus.
Denise interview with Valerie Grant

Grant writer, businesswoman, and advocate Valerie Grant shares about her healing journey from addiction.
Denise’s Healing Journey Newsletter Edition 2

“May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior give you grace and peace.” ~Titus 1:4b This has been a long time coming. I have to apologize for that. Finding the words to express my heart proved more difficult than I thought. Just sitting down to give words to what’s been going on inside of […]
Heart Check by Denise Goosby

I forget how fragile my heart can be. Not just the one that beats inside my chest. That has its own fragility, yes. If it stops, I cease to exist this side of heaven. The heart that shepherds my mind, will, and thoughts… Well, it is even more delicate. It has been broken many […]
A Mirror to the Soul by Denise Goosby

The book of James likens the Word of God to a mirror. One glance is supposed to tell you what needs attending to. What needs to be fixed. You look into the glass—the Bible—and you see who you really are. I got such a glimpse this morning. What I saw left me disappointed but not […]
Denise Covering “Hold Me Jesus”

When the fear of moving forward gets to be too much.
Sing My Way Back