Dads Who Love God With Denise Ann Goosby

Time flew by as I shared my writing journey of “Thank You Daddy! A Tribute to My Girl Dad –and Girl Daddies Everywhere.”
He Knows My Name (Living Sabbath Virtual Retreat)

You cannot rest if you don’t know who you are.Our identity in Christ grounds us in His love and grace.Father God knows our innermost being and is not ashamed of our scars.
I Am Who You Say I Am (Living Sabbath Virtual Retreat)

Embracing our identity in Christ is the foundation of rest. Learn how our identity in Christ frees us to “cease striving, and know that He is God.”
Answered Prayer

Denise shares the importance of having a servant heart and using your God-given gifts in business with Sia Sia on her Yaba Radio Show.
“Everyone wants to be loved” by Denise Goosby Featured on LA South Connections

The following is an excerpt from the forthcoming book,”Scarred Like Him: Seeing the Beauty in the Life You Live” by Denise Ann Goosby. “Everyone wants to be loved. Everyone wants to be accepted.Everyone wants to be desired.But what happens when that longing alludes you? What happens when the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual scars of […]
Time, Talent, Treasure: Webinar Series Connecting Business to Faith

Please join Shameka McCoy and Denise Goosby for Faith Principles of Seed Time & Harvest, “Time, Talent, Treasure.”(Zechariah 4:10) Join us in this 5 part series connecting business to faith. March 23, 2021 4:00 – 5:00 PM PST (Series Part 5 of 5) Register for the Webinar But without faith it is impossible […]
God’s Perfect Timing

“At an acceptable time; O God, in the greatness of Your lovingkindness, answer me.” ~Psalm 69:13 May I tell you a story? I was scrolling through Facebook one day last August. Just looking. Not sure why. But as I read, a paragraph caught my eye. She Writes for Him was looking for writers to submit […]
When the Enemy is the One You Love

When the Enemy is the One You LoveA Book Review of Overcoming The Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusers Written by Charlene D. Quint, J.D., C.D.V.P.Reviewed by Denise Goosby Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the cause of the widow. ~Isaiah 1:17 NIV When […]
Denise’s Healing Journey Christmas Concert 2020

Join us as we celebrate Christmas with these songs of the season.
Denise Covers “I Need You”

A song about our need to come to God desperate, needy, and humble.