He Knows My Name (Living Sabbath Virtual Retreat)

You cannot rest if you don’t know who you are.Our identity in Christ grounds us in His love and grace.Father God knows our innermost being and is not ashamed of our scars.
I Am Who You Say I Am (Living Sabbath Virtual Retreat)

Embracing our identity in Christ is the foundation of rest. Learn how our identity in Christ frees us to “cease striving, and know that He is God.”
DrawnOnwarD: Interview with Denise Goosby

Denise Goosby and Teresa Janzen discussed an article Denise wrote about living with a family member with mental health issues. Both ladies are part of the She Writes for Him: Stories of Living Hope book.
Denise Covers “Father Let Your Kingdom Come”

A song about living joyfully as God does His will in the ups and downs of our lives.
Denise interview with Valerie Grant

Grant writer, businesswoman, and advocate Valerie Grant shares about her healing journey from addiction.
Denise Interviews MariaBella Soriano

A discussion about the colors of fall leads to a deeper reflection about how transition works in our lives–bringing beauty out of pain.
Denise’s Healing Journey Interview with Lili from Street Racing Kills

Lili shares how losing her daughter to street racing led her on a journey of healing. After losing her teen daughter, Valentina, to a car crash caused by street racing, Lili has been on a mission to educate other teens and their families on the importance of practicing traffic safety. She often speaks to students and community […]
Denises Healing Journey Interview with Cliff Young

Cliff Young is a marriage and family therapist and senior pastor of New Hope Christian Center in Lomita, CA. Cliff shares with us what to expect on our journey of healing. Episode 1 Episode 2
You’re Going to Be OK Den Solo

Musical encouragement for your journey of healing.