Denise Covers “In Your Arms”

When the pain and burdens of living in this world become too much, I lift my eyes, arms, and heart to Jesus.
Denise Goosby Seeing God’s Goodness Through the Pain

Sleepily I shuffled into the bathroom, anxious to get the day started, but unsure if I had the energy required to live it. I hadn’t slept the best last night. Again. No matter how many times I turned by body, I couldn’t get to sleep. But I was thankful. Somewhere after 2 or 3 a.m., […]
DrawnOnwarD: Interview with Denise Goosby

Denise Goosby and Teresa Janzen discussed an article Denise wrote about living with a family member with mental health issues. Both ladies are part of the She Writes for Him: Stories of Living Hope book.
When the Enemy is the One You Love

When the Enemy is the One You LoveA Book Review of Overcoming The Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusers Written by Charlene D. Quint, J.D., C.D.V.P.Reviewed by Denise Goosby Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the cause of the widow. ~Isaiah 1:17 NIV When […]